In Pursuit of Excellence 

Dartmouth College Recognizes with Deep Appreciation the Extraordinary Achievements of

Robert A. Gray ’78
2017 Treasurer of the Year – 26 Years Out and Older

Bob, you have been an extraordinary example of what it means to be a class officer and leader. Your accomplishments in your first year as a class treasurer are truly impressive and include the collection of $36,063 in dues from 398 classmates. Attaining 41 percent class participation (a notable five percent increase over the previous year), the average of $91 collected per dues payer, is one of the highest among all classes. Your strong dues collection efforts helped fund $36,102 in class projects, which supported Dartmouth Athletics sponsors and the life sciences, provided funding for the Class of ’78 Defense and National Security Speakers Program, and helped enable construction of the Class of ’78 Bunkhouse at Moosilauke. In addition to these substantial contributions to the College, your efforts helped your class fund mini-reunions and printed communications such as newsletters, postcards, and letters, all of which built class engagement.

You have taken a proactive approach to dues collection which includes several electronic solicitations targeted to distinct groups such as classmates who had never paid dues, classmates who paid dues in many prior years but not the current year, and those who paid last year but not this year. Through focused messaging and photos, you showed classmates how their dues benefit current students such as athletes sponsored by the class and field trips to Woods Hole funded through gifts to the life sciences.

David Graham ’78, president of your class, stated that “Bob stepped into the treasurer role as we began preparations for our 40th reunion this past June of 2017. His career as both a CFO and CEO makes him ideally suited to the task. He brought a new set of ‘eyes and ears’ to our class executive committee, and his thoughtful and reasoned approach has helped the Class of ’78 maintain its strong financial foundation while simultaneously trying to increase our class dues participation rate. We topped 40 percent in fiscal year 2016–2017, the first time we have done so in quite a while. Bob demonstrates the kind of good stewardship — balancing control and transparency — that any organization, volunteer or for-profit, needs. The Class of ’78 is fortunate to call him a member, a loyal son of Dartmouth, and an energetic class leader employing his talents to further strengthen an ACCOMPLISHED and GENEROUS class.”

As an English major at Dartmouth, you involved yourself in student activities, including the Dartmouth Film Society and the Jack-O-Lantern. As an alumnus, you have played an active role in supporting Dartmouth College by serving as an alumni fund volunteer and Career Network volunteer in addition to your role as class treasurer. Additionally, you served as the Reunion treasurer for your class this year, where you employed an innovative Reunion pricing model.

In appreciation for all you have done for your class and for Dartmouth College, it is an honor to present you with this award for the 2017 Class Treasurer of the Year.