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October 22, 2009: Conference Call

Participants: John Mathias, John Engelman, Doug Keare, David Spalding, Cheryl Bascomb, Kaitlin Jaxheimer, Veree Brown, Lynne Gaudet, Ron Harris, Otho Kerr

Absent: Marian Baldauf, Schram

John Mathias opened the meeting. Doug Keare moved that the minutes of the Executive Committee conference call held on October 15, 2009, be approved. The motion was seconded and the Executive Committee unanimously approved the minutes.

John Mathias reported that the draft of the Election Reform Study Committee's report was posted last week on the Association of Alumni's Web site and blog. Ron Harris recommended that the general guiding principle (D) be revised to indicate that it applies to all candidates, not just petition candidates or removed entirely. It currently reads as follows: "Petition candidates should never be disadvantaged by any restrictive election guidelines or rules promulgated by the AOA EC." Committee members agreed that it would be best to consult Ron Schram, who was unable to participate in this conference call, on this matter. John Mathias will contact Ron Schram about it, share his response with the rest of the committee, and then the committee will vote on the ERSC report by email.

David Spalding suggested that the voting period be held March 10-April 7, 2010. The AOA could then provide the Board of Trustees with the election results before their April 9 meeting. If that is the election period, then the Executive Committee is required to post the voting period online by November 11. John Engelman made a motion to hold the election period March 10-April 7, 2010. Ron Harris seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved.

The committee discussed the proposed revisions to the AOA trustee election guidelines to conform to the recommendations of the ERSC report and the impact of last spring's constitutional amendment. The committee agreed that they would also vote by email on this by next Tuesday, October 27, once they each have time to review the changes.

The meeting was adjourned.